
(* Invited; + Includes Student Researcher)

McCreery, M. P., & Krach, S. K. (in press). How black teachers evaluate black children? Comparing behavioral data across class dojo, report cards, and pro-social ratings. Contemporary School Psychology

Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Monk, M. M., & Bagneris, J. R. (2022). Fidelity in school-based interventions: Current status of compliance. Journal of School Health. doi:10.1111/josh.13286

+Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Doss, K. M., & Highsmith, D. M. (2021). Can computers teach social skills to children? Examining the efficacy of “The Social Express” in an African American Sample. Contemporary School Psychology. 25, 321-331. doi:10.1007/s40688-019-00270-z.

+Schrader, P. G., Carroll, M. C., McCreery, M. P., & Head, D. L. (2020). Mixed methods for Human-Computer Interaction research: An iterative study using Reddit and social media.  Journal of Educational Computing Research. 58(4), 818-841. doi: 10.1177/0735633119878066.

+Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Dennis, L., Highsmith, D. M., & Guerard, J. & Harris, E. (2020). Independent evaluation of Q-Interactive: A paper equivalency comparison using the PPVT-4 with preschoolers. Psychology in the Schools. 57(1), 17-30. DOI: 10.1002/pits.22325.

+Dennis, L., Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., & Navarro, S. (2019). The Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (SOLOM): A psychometric study with preschoolers. Assessment for Effective Intervention. 45(1), 65-72. doi: 10.1177/1534508418782624

+McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., Bacos, C. A., Laferriere, J. R., & Head, D. L. (2019). Can video games be used as a stealth assessment of aggression? A criterion-related validity study. International Journal of Gaming & Computer Mediated Simulations, 11(2), 40-49. DOI: 10.4018/IJGCMS.2019040103

Marsh, R. J., Higgins, K., Morgan, J. J., Cumming, T. M., Brown, M., & McCreery, M. (2019). Evaluating school connectedness of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Children & Schools, 41, 153-160. DOI: 10.1093/cs/cdz013

McCreery, M.P. & Krach, S.K. (2018). How the human is the catalyst: Personality, aggressive fantasy, and proactive-reactive aggression among users of social media. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol. 133, p. 91-95. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2017.06.037

+Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., Wilcox, R. & Focaracci, S. (2017). Considerations for consultation: Research-based use of behavioral logs to manage classroom behaviors. Intervention in School and Clinic. 53(2), p.67-73. DOI: 10.1177/1053451217693366

+Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., & Rimel, H. (2017). Examining teachers’ behavioral management charts: A comparison of Class Dojo and paper-pencil methods. Contemporary School Psychology. 21(3), p. 267-275, DOI: 10.1007/s40688-016-0111-0.

+Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., Ye, W., Mohammadiamin, H., & Cirks, C. K. (2017). Diagnostic utility of the social skills improvement system performance screening guide. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment. 35(4), p. 391-409, DOI:10.1177/0734282916636500.

+Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., & Guerard, J. (2017). Cultural-linguistic test adaptations: Guidelines for selection, alteration, use, and review. School Psychology International. 38(1) p. 3-21, DOI: 10.1177/0143034316684672

McCreery, M.P. (2016). Temperament as a behavioral construct: Assessing the classroom environment and student-teacher relationship. Intervention in School and Clinic, 51(4), p. 238-243, DOI:10.1177/1053451215589176

Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., Jones, W.P., & Loe, S.A. (2016). Do dispositional characteristics influence reading? Examining the impact of personality on reading fluency. Reading Psychology, 37(3), p.470-486. DOI:10.1080/02702711.2015.1066908.

Tettegah, S.Y., McCreery, M.P., & Blumberg, F.C. (2015). Toward a framework for learning and digital games research. Educational Psychologist, 50(4), 253-257, doi: 0.1080/00461520.2015.1134330.

Krach, S.K., Doss, K., & McCreery, M.P. (2015). Multilingual versions of popular social, emotional, and behavioral tests: Considerations for training school psychologists. Trainers’ Forum: Journal of the Trainers of School Psychologists, 33(3), p.3-26.

+McCreery, M. P., Vallett, D. & Clark, C. (2015). Social interaction in a virtual environment: Examining socio-spatial interactivity and social presence using behavioral analytics. Computers in Human Behavior, 51, p.203-206.

McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., & Nolen, A.L. (2014). The protagonist and their avatar: Learner characteristics in a culture of simulation. The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(2), p.30-37.

McCreery, M.P., Schrader, P.G., Krach, S.K., & Boone, R. (2013). A sense of self: The role of presence in virtual environments. Computers in Human Behavior, 29(4), p.1635-1640.

McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., Schrader, P.G., & Boone, R. (2012). Defining the virtual self: Personality, behavior and the psychology of embodiment. Computers in Human Behavior, 28(3), p.976-983.

McCreery, M.P., Schrader, P.G., & Krach, S.K. (2011). Navigating massively multiplayer online games: Evaluating 21st century skills for learning within virtual environments. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 44(4), p.473-493.

Krach, S.K. & McCreery, M.P. (2010). Use of reliability data in score interpretation: or Why use the technical data when making diagnostic decisions. The School Psychologist, 64(1), p. 8-17.

Schrader, P.G. & McCreery, M.P. (2008). The acquisition of skill and expertise in massively multiplayer online games. Educational Technology Research and Development. 56, p. 557-574.


*Buckels, E., Whitty, M., & McCreery, M.P. (Eds.) (2018). Special issue: Examining personality and individual differences in cyberspace. Personality and Individual Differences. Vol. 133.

McCreery, M.P., Tettegah, S.Y., & Blumberg, F.C. (Eds.). (2015). Special issue: Psychological perspectives on games and learning. Educational Psychologist, 50(4).

Tettegah, S.Y., McCreery, M.P., & Harley, J. M. (Eds.) (2014). Special issue: Exploring identity, emotions, and social behaviors with virtual environments. The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(3).

Tettegah, S.Y., McCreery, M.P., & Harley, J. M. (Eds.). (2014). Special issue: Emotions, identity, and learning in virtual environments. The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(2).


*McCreery, M.P. (2020). Review of Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation (RISE)® [2018 Edition]. In J. F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook, 21. Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.

*McCreery, M.P. (2017). Review of Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis® [2012 Edition]. In J. F. Carlson, K. F. Geisinger, & J. L. Jonson (Eds.), Buros Mental Measurement Yearbook, 20. Institute of Mental Measurements, University of Nebraska Buros Institute of Mental Measurements.


Tettegah, S.Y. & McCreery, M.P. (Eds.). (2015). Emotions and technology, communication of feelings for, with and through digital media: Emotions, technology, and learning.  Waltham, MA: Elsevier.


+McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., Bacos, C. A., Laferriere, J. R., & Head, D. L. (2023). Can video games be used as a stealth assessment of aggression? A criterion-related validity study (pp.774-784). Research Anthology on Game Design, Development, Usage, and Social Impact. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7589-8.ch038 (Reprinted from The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 11(2), pp.40-49, 2019).

+McCreery, M. P., Head, D. L., Krach, S. K., Leif, S. A., Fiorentini, J. P. (2022). Data triangulation through multiple methods: The case for stealth assessment. In Keengwe, S. (Ed.) Handbook of Research on Digital-Based Assessment and Innovative Practice in Education. DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-2468-1

+McCreery, M. P., Head, D. L., Leif, S. A., Fiorentini, J. P., Bacos, C. A., Laferriere, J. R., Krach, S. K., & Cole, L. L. (2022). Examining the influence of cognitive ability on situating to a video game: Expanded discussion. In Ifenthaler D., Sampson, D. & Isaias, P. (Eds.) Orchestration of Learning Environments in the Digital World, NY: Springer.

+Fiorentini, J. P., McCreery, M. P., Cole, L. L., Leif, S. A., Monk. M. M., Bagneris, J. R., & Head,, D. L. (2021). Transformative social and emotional learning: Examining learning management systems through the pairing of digital learning environments (pp. 180-202). In Crawford, C. & Simons, M (Eds.) eLearning Engagement in a Transformative Social Learning Environment, Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.

Schrader, P.G., Fasching-Varner, K.J., & McCreery, M. (2021). Narrative, video games, and performance in situ: Evaluating learning within games and implications for research from a literacy perspective (pp. 363-382). In C. Aprea and D. Ifenthaler (Eds.) Game-based Learning Across the Disciplines. New York, NY: Springer.

+McCreery, M. P., Schrader, P. G., Krach, S. K., Bacos, C. A., & Laferriere, J. R. (2019). Examining designed experiences: A walkthrough for understanding video games as performance assessments. In Ifenthaler D. & Kim, Y. J. (Eds.) Game-based Assessment: Revisited NY: Springer.

+Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., Carroll, M. C., Head, D. L., Laferriere, J. R. (2019). Assessing learning from, with, and in games revisited: A heuristic for emerging methods and commercial-off-the-shelf games. In Ifenthaler D. & Kim, Y. J. (Eds.) Game-based Assessment: Revisited NY: Springer.

+Bacos, C. A., McCreery, M. P., & Laferriere, J. R. (2018). Interactive narratives, personality, and counterfactual thinking in video games.In C. Stephanidis (Ed.) HCI International 2018 – Posters’ Extended Abtracts. HCI 2018. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 850. Springer, Cham

Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., & Vallett, D. (2017). Performance in situ. In Baek, Y. K. (Ed.) Game-based learning: Theory, strategies and performance outcomes, Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Krach, S.K., & McCreery, M.P. (2015). Technology and positive behavioral interventions and support: Evaluation, selection, and implementation of computer-based socioemotional training. In Tettegah, S. Y. & Espelage, D. (Eds.) Emotions and technology, communication of feelings for, with and through digital media: Emotions, technology, and behavior, Waltham, MA: Elsevier.

McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., & Nolen, A.L. (2015). The protagonist and their avatar: Learner characteristics in a culture of simulation. In Management Association, Information Resources (Ed.), Gamification: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications (pp. 129-138). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. (Reprinted from The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(2), pp.30-37, 2014).

Schrader, P.G. & McCreery, M.P. (2012). Are all games the same? Examining three frameworks for assessing learning from, with, and in games. In Ifenthaler, D., Eseryel, D., & Ge, X. (Eds.) Assessment in Game-Based Learning: Foundations, Innovations, and Perspectives.  New York, NY: Springer.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2009). Intertextuality in massively multiplayer online games. In Ferdig, R.E. (Ed.) Handbook of research on effective electronic gaming in education.  Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.


Tettegah, S.Y., & McCreery, M.P. (2015). Preface to emotions, technology, and learning. Emotions and technology, communication of feelings for, with and through digital media: Emotions, technology, and learning.  Waltham, MA: Elsevier.

Tettegah, S.Y., McCreery, M.P., & Harley, J. M. (2014). Exploring identity, emotions, and social behavior with virtual environments. The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(3), p. iv-vi.

Harley, J. M., Tettegah, S.Y., & McCreery, M.P. (2014). Exploring identity, emotions, and learning in virtual environments: An introduction. The International Journal of Gaming and Computer-Mediated Simulations, 6(2), p. iv-vi.


+McCreery, M. P., Head, D. L., & Leif, S. (2022). A hardcore look at the casual measurement of gamer experience. Proceedings of International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference (pp.17). Las Vegas, NV, United States International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research.

+McCreery, M., Head, D., Fiorentini, J., Leif, S., Krach, S.K., Cole, L.L., Bacos, C. A., & Laferriere, J. (2020). Time to acclimate: Examining the influence of cognitive ability on situating to a video game. In D. G. Sampson, D Ifenthaler, & P. Isaias (Eds.), Proceedings of 17th International Conference Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (pp. 157-164). Online: Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA).

+Leif, S., Head, D., McCreery, M., Fiorentini, J. & Cole, L.L. (2020). Acclimation by Design: Using 4C/ID to Scaffold Digital Learning Environments. In E. Langran (Ed.), Proceedings of SITE Interactive 2020 Online Conference (pp. 513-517). Online: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).

+Fiorentini, J., Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., Head, D., Carroll, M., Bacos, C. A., & Krach, S. K. (2018). Learning as a process: A practical approach to complex systems as stealth assessments. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV.

+Bacos, C. A., Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., Carroll, M., Head, D., & Fiorentini, J. (2018). Nonlinear games as complex systems: An approach to understanding counterfactual thinking. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV.

+Head, D., Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., Fiorentini, J., Bacos, C. A., & Carroll, M. (2018). Data collection and coding in complex systems: Using classic methods in novel digital learning environments. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV.

+Carrol, M., Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., Bacos, C. A., Head, D., & Fiorentini, J. (2018). Virtual reality research as a complex system: A developmental model using established theoretical frameworks. Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV.

+Laferriere, J. & McCreery, M. (2017). Examining the efficacy of a bullying prevention video game: An intervention for pre-service teachers. In M. Pivec, & J Grundler (Eds) Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Games Based Learning. (pp. 952-954). Reading, UK: Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P.  (2009). Online research methodologies: Forum discourse, literacy practices and intellectual exchange. Proceedings of the Hawaiian International Conference on Education.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2008). Inter- and intra- textuality in massively multiplayer online games. Proceedings of the Education and Information Systems, Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M. P. (2008). Gamer discretion advised: How MMOG players determine the quality and usefulness of online resources. Proceedings of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education.


Krach, S. K., & McCreery, M. P. (2023). Executive functions as predictors of proactive and reactive aggression. Poster presentation at Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Denver, CO. (National)

+McCreery, M. P., Head, D. L., & Leif, S. (2022). A hardcore look at the casual measurement of gamer experience. Paper presentation to be given at International Organization of Social Sciences and Behavioral Research Conference, Las Vegas, NV.

+Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Kothera, A., Edumunds, A., & Wells, S. (2022). Trauma and aggressive fantasies as predictors of criminal involvement in an internet sample. Poster presentation to be given at Annual Convention, Florida Association of School Psychologists (FASP), Daytona Beach, FL.

+Krach, S. K., Monk, M. M., Bagneris, J., McCreery, M. M., (2022). Target aggression: Is empathy to proactive aggression as anger management is to reactive aggression? Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Peace Conflict and Violence Division of the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association.

+Monk, M., Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Head, D. L., & Leif, S. (2022). The role of cognitive processes in reactive and proactive aggression. Poster presentation to be given at Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Boston, MA.

+Krach, S. K., Monk, M. M., McCreery, M. M., & Bagneris, J. (2022). You Can Lead a Teacher to the Intervention: Investigating Fidelity. Poster presentation to be given at Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Boston, MA.

+Monk, M., Dunn, P., Krach, S.K., & McCreery, M.P. (2021). Parenting in chaos: Effects on reactive and proactive aggression. Poster presented at the Society for the Study of Peace Conflict and Violence Division of the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, COVID-19 Virtual.

+McCreery, M. P., Head, D., Krach, S. K., Fiorentini, J. P., & Leif, S. (2021). Suspect responding: The potential for data triangulation through stealth assessment. Poster presentation at the 2021 Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC: COVID-19: Virtual.

+McCreery, M. P., Head, D. L., Fiorentini, J. P., Leif, S. A., Krach, S. K., & Cole, L. L. (2020). Time to acclimate: Examining the influence of cognitive ability on situating to a video game. Paper presented at the 17th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Digital Learning, Lisbon, Portugal: COVID-19: Virtual.

+Monk, M., Krach, S.K., Turner, J., & McCreery, M.P. (2020). The relationship between functions of aggression and emotion dysregulation. Poster presented at the 47th Annual Conference of the Florida Association of School Psychologists, COVID-19 Virtual.

+Leif, S. A., Head, D. L., McCreery, M. P., Fiorentini, J. P., & Cole, L. L. (2020). Acclimation by design: Using 4C/ID to scaffold digital learning environments. Paper presented at the Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.

+Krach, S. K., Howell, J. E., Brown, T., & McCreery, M. P. (2020). Examining the influence of adverse childhood experiences: When aggressive thoughts become aggressive actions. Poster presentation at Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC: Covid-19: Virtual.

+Monk, M., Krach, S. K., Turner, J., & McCreery, M. P. (2020). Control yourself: The relationship between functions of aggression and emotion regulation. Poster presentation at Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC: Covid-19: Virtual.

+Monk, M., Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., & Turner, J. (2020). Moderating effects of emotional dysregulation on adverse childhood experiences and adult aggressive. Poster presentation at Annual Convention, American Psychological Association (APA), Washington, DC: Covid-19: Virtual.

+McCreery, M. P., Krach, S. K., Bacos, C., Laferriere, J., & Head, D. (2020). Validity of using video games as stealth assessments of aggression. Poster presentation to be given at Annual Convention, American Psychological Association, Washington, DC: Covid-19: Virtual.

+Krach, S. K., Brown, T. K., Highsmith, D., Howell, J. E., & McCreery (2020). Which children perform better on paper tests and digital tests? Poster presentation at Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists (NASP), Baltimore, MD.

+Leif, S. A., McCreery, M. & Fiorentini, J. (2020) Behavioral observation protocols and videographic methods [Invited Speaker Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Francisco, CA: (Conference Canceled)

+Highsmith, D., Krach, S. K., Burstein, S., Brown, L., & McCreery, M. P. (2019). Drawing the future in crayon: Career choice limitations in preschoolers. Poster presentation at Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists, Atlanta, GA.

+Krach, S. K., Kern, L. R., & McCreery, M. P. (2019). You can lead the teacher to the computer-based intervention. Annual Convention, Florida Association of School Psychologists, St. Augustine, FL.

+Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., Doss, K. M., Highsmith, D., & Brown, L. S. (2019). Can computers teach social skills? Examining “The Social Express.”. Annual Convention, Florida Association of School Psychologists, St. Augustine, FL.

+Bacos, C. A., McCreery, M. P., Schrader, P.G., Head, D. L., Fiorentini, J. P., & Carroll, M. C. (2019). Counterfactual thinking and interactive narratives: How changing the narrative leads to thinking about better outcomes. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, CA.

+McCreery, M. P., Bacos, C. A., Schrader, P. G., Head, D., & Fiorentini, J., Carroll, M. (2019). Constructing one’s reality: Perceived control and counterfactual thinking in a post-truth era. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Toronto, CA.

+Krach, S.K., Doss, K., Highsmith, D. M., Brown, L. S., & McCreery, M.P. (2019). Can computers teach social skills? Examining “The Social Express”. Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists.

+Schrader, P. G., McCreery, M. P., Carroll, M., Bacos, C. A., Head, D., & Fiorentini, J. (2018). Simulated environments as complex systems: A framework and approach to understanding E-learning. E-Learn: The Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education, Las Vegas, NV.

+Bacos, C. A., McCreery, M. P., & Laferriere, J. R. (2018). Interactive narratives, personality, and counterfactual thinking in video games. Human-Computer Interaction International, Las Vegas NV.

+McCreery, M. P., Krach, S. K., Bacos, C. A., & Laferriere, J. (2018). Effectiveness of a forced-choice video game as a direct assessment of aggression. American Psychological Association Convention, San Francisco, CA.

+McCreery, M. P., Bacos, C. A., Laferriere, J. & Krach, S. K. (2018). Video games as performance assessments: How executive functioning influences the learning process. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, NY.

+McCreery, M. P., Laferriere, J., Bacos, C. A., & Krach, S. K. (2018). Video games as a model for assessing learning behaviors. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, NY.

Tetzlaff, D. M., Morgan, J., Spies, T, & McCreery, M. P. (2018). Using mobile technology to increase the math achievement and engagement of students with disabilities. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, New York, NY.

+Krach, S. K., Guerard, J., McCreery, M. P., Dennis, L., Harris, E. L., & Gardiner, J. (2018). Independent evaluation of Q-Interactive: Paper equivalency of PPVT-4 with preschoolers. Annual Convention, National Association of School Psychologists.

+Bacos, C. A., Laferriere, J. & McCreery, M. P. (2018). Game-based models in education: The democracy of creating shared experiences. 98th Annual Conference of the Association of Teacher Educators.

+Bacos, C. A., Xing, H., McCreery, M. P., & Krach, S. K. (2017). Examining the role of forced-choice games on learner decision-making, metacognition, and problem solving. North American Simulation and Gaming Association (NASAGA) Conference, Reno NV.

+Laferriere, J. & McCreery, M. P. (2017). Video games as an intervention for pre-service teachers understanding of bullying. European Conference on Game Based Learning, Graz, Austria.

McCreery, M. P. & Krach, S. K. (2017). Personality, aggressive ideations, and proactive aggression among users of social media. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington, D.C.

+Guerard, J., Krach, S. K., Eftaxas, D., Mullin, B., Dennis, L., & McCreery, M. P. (2017). Anxiety, performance, and gender: Q-Interactive vs. paper-based testing. National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.

+Krach, S. K., McCreery, M. P., & Rimel, H. (2017). Behavioral management charts: Comparing Class Dojo and paper-pencil methods. National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.

Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., & Vallett, D. (2016). Interconnected relationships: Academic skills, school behaviors, and motivation to learn. National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, New Orleans, LA.

McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K. & Hamilton, N. (2015). Exploring gender differences: Locus of control and proactive/reactive aggression. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, Canada.

+Nardi, N., McCreery, M. P. & Kuch, F. (2015). Fostering social connection: Do avatar-based facial expressions convey emotion. Western Psychological Association 95th Annual Convention, Las Vegas NV.

+Clark, C., McCreery, M. P. & Vallett, D. (2015). Social behavior within a virtual environment: Exploring the role of social presence in socio-spatial interactivity. Western Psychological Association 95th Annual Convention, Las Vegas NV.

+Krach, S.K., Doss, K., & McCreery, M.P. & Vazquez, E. (2015). Best practice in multilingual assessment: Examining the use of translated versions of social, emotional, and behavioral scales. Trainers of School Psychology Conference, Orlando FL.

McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., & Hamilton, N. J. (2014). Exploring gamer traits: Personality’s influence on aggression and aggressive fantasies. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.

Jones, W.P., Kuch, F., & McCreery, M.P. (2014). Big-5 personality characteristics and university student discretionary time online. Nevada Conference on Digital Learning, Las Vegas, NV.

McCreery, M.P., Nolen, A., & Krach, S.K. (2014). My avatar, myself: The role of personality in defining an authentic virtual environment. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

+Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., Stohlberg, P., Bjork, K. & Hughes, L. (2014). Reading fluency as a “top-down” process: Justifying the need for computer-based assessment. National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, Washington, DC.

McCreery, M.P., Schrader, P.G., & Krach, S.K. (2013). Mediating virtual learning environments: The role of presence with personal behaviors. American Educational Research Association Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA.

*McCreery, M.P. (2013). The emerging virtual self: Implications for psychological systems design. Entertainment Software and Cognitive Neurotherapeutics Society, Los Angeles, CA.

+Krach, S.K., McCreery, M.P., Jones, W.P., Loe, S.A., & Beale, H.B. (2013). Personality and performance: A comparison of NEO-FFI data with reading fluency. National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Convention, Seattle, WA.

McCreery, M.P., Krach, S.K., Schrader, P.G., & Boone, R. (2012). The psychology of embodiment: Personality, behavior and the virtual self. American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Orlando, FL.

Krach, S.K., & McCreery, M.P. (2012). Professional tips for school psychologists: Efficient and ethical technology use. National Association of School Psychologists, Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA.

McCreery, M.P., Schrader, P.G., & Krach, S.K. (2011). Experts and novices in virtual space: Spatial behaviors, learning, and issues in education. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Exeter, United Kingdom.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2009). Massively multiplayer online games: Forum discourse as an indicator of literacy practices and intellectual exchange. European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2009). Analysis of forum discourse as an indicator of multiliteracies in authentic contexts. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Krach, S.K. & McCreery, M.P. (2009). Impact of subtest and composite score reliability on interpretation. National Association of School Psychologists, Boston, MA.

Schrader, P. G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2009). Online research methodologies: Forum discourse, literacy practices and intellectual exchange. Hawaiian International Conference on Education, Honolulu, HI.

Schrader, P. G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2008). Inter- and intra-textuality in massively multiplayer online games. Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications, Orlando, FL.

McCreery, M.P., Schrader, P.G., & Lawless, K.A. (2008). The social engagement of information: What MMOGs can teach us about multi-text environments. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, New York, NY.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2008). Gamer discretion advised: How MMOG players determine the quality and usefulness of online resources. Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education, Las Vegas, NV.

*McCreery, M.P. (2007). Digital worlds: The shape of things to come. Clark County School District Summer Institute, Conference of Technology, Las Vegas, NV.

Schrader, P.G. & McCreery, M.P. (2007, April). The acquisition of skill and expertise in massively multiplayer online games. American Educational Research Association Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Schrader, P.G. & McCreery, M.P. (2006, June). How did you get so good? An investigation of expertise in the World of Warcraft. The Games Learning and Society Conference, Madison, WI.


McCreery, M.P. & Krach, S.K. (2008). Five Factor Model Behavioral Observation Matrix. Unpublished instrument.

McCreery, M.P. (2008). The Virtual Environment Behavioral Assessment Matrix. Unpublished instrument.

Schrader, P.G., Lawless, K.A., & McCreery, M.P. (2007). Informational Resources and Massively Multiplayer Online Games. Retrieved October 17, 2007 from


Beck, J., Vallett, D. B., & McCreery, M. P. (2015). Creation of the Nevada educator performance framework online training system. Great Teaching and Leading Fund. Co-Principal Investigator, $218,000.00.

McCreery, M.P. & Krach, S.K. (2015). The Social Express – A Tier II Intervention, Materials Grant, The Language Express, Co-Principal Investigator, $50,000 of Computer Software.

McCreery, M.P. & Krach, S.K. (2014). The Social Express – A Tier I Intervention, Materials Grant, The Language Express, Co-Principal Investigator, $50,000 of Computer Software.


Scott, C. E., Miller, D. M., Washburn, E. K., Canady, F., McCreery, M., Jackson, I., Scott, C., & Wiens, P. (2020). Every teacher a literacy teacher? An exploration of literacy practices within and across the disciplines in urban secondary schools. Submitted to Literacy (NCER-Literacy); Exploration; Institute of Education Sciences (IES) program on Education Research Grant Program (CFDA Number   84.305A). ($1,699,814).

Krach, S. K. & McCreery, M.P. (2016). Using Minecraft for stealth assessment: Direct measurement of childhood aggression, Spencer Foundation, Co-Principal Investigator, $49,710.

McCreery, M. P. & Boone, R. (2015) Data visualization to inform education policy using geospatial mapping. Collaborative Interdisciplinary Research Award: Emerging Area Seed Grant, University of Nevada Faculty Opportunity Award. Principal Investigator, $30,000.

Morgan, J. & Vallett, D (2015). Exploring instructional techniques to increase cognitive complexity used by students with disabilities in secondary science classrooms. Institute of Education Sciences: Special Education Research CFDA 84.324A. Contributor $1,175,458.00.


Spies, T.G. , Skramstad, E., & Scott, C. (2015). Project BELL: Blended English language learning. U.S. Department of Education. $134,343.